PMDV Marketing Pvt LTD CIN No. U46900MP2024PTC071831

Digital Signature Certificate

Digital Signature is an electronic format of your physical signature, is required to sign e-forms like filing income-tax returns, company incorporation, Annual return filings, and e-tender filing, etc.

Digital signature, as the name suggests, is an electronic equivalent of physical signatures, as they verify the identity of the sender of an electronic document. Such signatures are verified by a Certifying Authority, which also provides the sign holder with both a private key (used by the holder to encrypt their signature onto a document) and a public key (used by the receiver to verify the signature of the holder on an electronic document). Nowadays, Digital signature is not used only to verify communications between individuals, but also to carry out online transactions such as Income Tax e-Filing, Company Incorporation, etc. Digital Signatures come in the form of a USB E-Token, wherein the Digital Signature Certificate is stored in a USB Drive and can be accessed through a computer to sign documents electronically. Think of the USB e-Token as the digital equivalent of a rubber stamp – connect it to a computer, sign the document in question, and you’re done! The DSC is a certificate issued by a Certifying Authority which also generates the public and private key for your Digital Signature.

With e-Filing becoming mandatory in increased spheres, Digital Signatures have become more pervasive in the market, out of the sheer necessity of having one. Register for our service to avoid the hassle, yet reap the ease of a digital signature!

Types of Digital Signature

There are currently three classes of Digital signatures

Class 1 – required for verification of email communication.

Class 2 – has been made compulsory for every Director/Signing authority who signs documents to be filed with the ROC to have; It is also required by individuals to e-file Income Tax returns.

Class 3 – heavily encrypted, this class of signatures is employed for use in online tenders/auctions that are held across India.

The validity of Digital Signatures:

The Validity of Digital Signature is one year and two years. These are renewable on expiry of the period of initial issue.

Document Required For Digital Signature:

A tentative list of documents required for the filing of a Digital Signature

Proof of Address (in case any bills are used, cannot be earlier than three months before application)

  • Telephone Bill/Water Bill/Electricity Bill

  • Gas Connection

  • Passport

  • Vehicle registration certificate

  • Aadhar Card

  • Driving License

  • Bank Statement(containing photograph and attestation be Bank official)

  • Voter ID Card

Proof of identity

  • Passport

  • Driving License

  • PAN card

  • Post office ID card

  • Aadhar Card

  • Bank account passbook

  • Govt. ID card

  • Passport size photograph